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My Team Scoop
Team Management & Communication For Coaches, Athletes, & Parents
Create Your Team
No need to manage contact information anymore. My Team Scoop provides immediate notifications made for mobile. Communicate to all team members with one click, and send alerts from your phone for last minute changes and cancellations.
Calendar of Events
Add your game schedule, practices, or other team events to the calendar. Members can be notified when new events are created, rescheduled, or canceled.
Game Results
Eliminate those piles of result sheets by storing it all in one place through My Team Scoop. Record wins, losses, and summaries for members to read and review.
Team Roster
Save time and paper through e-rosters! You can easily key in your team member information or let members do it themselves when they register. You can then download your rosters in a printable format!
Minimize Paperwork
All paperwork, such as your team schedule, release forms, and any other handouts your team may need can be uploaded to My Team Scoop. Members can view and print these documents at their convenience.